Getting to know me....

I am Neha Gupta, Ph.D. in Economics and Finance (2015-2021) from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Prior, I have a double master’s degree in quantitative economics and finance from University of Paris 1, Pantheon Sorbonne. I have been globe trottering across universities with books in my bag.
My research interests are applied economics, causal econometrics, empirical macroeconomics, urban and development economics.
I often combine my training in economics, mathematics and statistics with my passion for data science to explore complex economic questions. I keenly believe though a good quantitative background and appropriately designed statistical models is a prerequisite for addressing policy-relevant questions, but a thorough data crunching and an innovative visualization can deliver meaningfully unique perspectives to an analytical problem at hand.
My current research papers investigate the a) impact of unconventional monetary policy on renters and homeowners across Switzerland b) the impact of a national policy reform on multi-dimensional aspects of slum housing across India. My prominent strengths are in exploiting long panel national household survey data, satellite data, geocoded data, text analysis and natural language processing. I use R and Python (as secondary tool) for conducting my research.
Primary Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Urban and Development Economics, Monetary Economics, Causal Inference.
I am always passionate about disseminating knowledge and research through classroom teaching. I am a lecturer of Macroeconomics exercises to Economics undergraduate students at University of St. Gallen since 2017.
In my non-academic life, I like to indulge myself in multiple activities from keeping up to date with current affairs, new technology, learning languages, books, paintings, writing, sports, cooking and travelling.
Check out my detailed CV. Feel free to reach me on my email !!!