Resume Snapshot
September 2020 - Present
Visualization Manager
- Creating interactive and innovative visualizations of the Index components (using R).
- Construction of the database and development of annual Elite Quality Index 2021.
- Analysing country scorecards with macroeconomic view.
Elite Quality Index is an annual political economy index that was constructed and launched by University of St. Gallen in 2020. The index ranks the ability of the elite business models in a country on aggregate to create value,rather than to extract value. The index is built using 107 socio-economic indicators for 151 countries
February 2015 - February 2021
PhD in Economics and Finance
Dissertation title: Essays in Urban Economics and Macro Economics
- Large scale national household survey data and econometrics.
- Policy design and empirical analysis.
Primary Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Urban and Development Economics, Monetary Economics, Causal Inference.
February 2017 - Present
Teaching And Econometrics
Macroecconomics I, University of St. Gallen
- Exercise sessions and supervision of academic term papers.
Econometrics Skills
- Causal Inference, Microecono-metrics
- Macroeconometrics, Time SeriesEconometrics
-Spatial Econometrics, Econometrics of Big Data
Conferences, Seminars and Talks
- 2017-2020 - PhD Seminars, University of St. Gallen
- 08/2021 - European Economic Association (EEA) [online]
- 09/2021 - Rare Voices in Economics, University of Geneva
- 09/2021 - Economics of Global Interactions, University of Bari (Italy)
- - 09/2021- IX Meeting on International Economics [online]